Custom HubSpot Integrations

Notre approche d’intégration structurée assure le succès de votre projet.


Maximisez l’interopérabilité de vos systèmes

L'objectif est d’analyser et de cartographier les différents scénarios d’intégration entre vos systèmes, en identifiant les champs à synchroniser et en déterminant la meilleure approche pour maximiser le potentiel de vos solutions et assurer une interopérabilité optimale.

En savoir plus

Le processus


Kickoff et plan d'action

Votre consultant RevOps chez Lakhos dirigera une réunion de kickoff de 60 minutes lors de la première semaine. Cette rencontre couvrira l’introduction des parties prenantes, la revue des objectifs et la planification des prochaines étapes.


Analyse & validation

Lakhos analysera les besoins spécifiques pour l’intégration API, examinera la documentation disponible et identifiera les endpoints pertinents. Ensuite, Lakhos élaborera une série de tests pour développer une stratégie d’intégration efficace et durable.



Lakhos documentera visuellement le processus pour validation, afin de s’assurer qu’il répond aux attentes. Une fois les exigences confirmées, Lakhos établira le budget du projet et les coûts récurrents, tels que l’hébergement, l’assistance et la maintenance.



Lakhos développera dans un environnement de test en utilisant un portail HubSpot dédié pour envoyer et récupérer des données. Vous et votre équipe pourrez tester le système pour vérifier qu’il répond aux exigences définies à l’étape 3 et effectuer des ajustements si nécessaire.



Lakhos déploiera le code en production et le connectera à votre portail HubSpot, puis effectuera des tests pour garantir une communication correcte entre les systèmes.

Questions fréquentes

What training and support are offered during and after the implementation?

HubSpot offers a comprehensive learning platform, HubSpot Academy, ideal for expanding your knowledge. At Lakhos, we also offer you continuous support with personalized training and specific coaching, thanks to our development plans.

Why choose us to manage your RevOps systems?

Benefit from comprehensive expertise at a lower cost than a full-time employee. Our team optimizes your operations with cutting-edge technologies, improves your efficiency and reduces your costs while offering you the innovation you need to remain competitive.

  • Access to expertise and experience: Our team brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, allowing you to take advantage of this expertise and take your operations to the next level.
  • Improving efficiency and productivity: You will be able to streamline your operations, reduce costs, and increase productivity.
  • Access to innovation: Our team uses cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions to help you stay ahead of the curve and stay competitive in an ever-changing marketplace.
  • Cost reduction: By entrusting certain functions to our RevOps team, you can reduce your overall costs and maximize the impact of your investment.
What integrations are possible with HubSpot?

HubSpot offers a wide range of integrations with other popular tools, including Salesforce, Slack, Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, Mailchimp, Zendesk, as well as accounting systems like QuickBooks and Xero, ERPs such as SAP, ERP such as SAP, Dynamics Business Central, Google Workspace, Google Workspace, Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, Mailchimp, and Zendesk, as well as accounting systems like QuickBooks and Xero, ERPs such as SAP, Dynamics Business Central, Google Workspace, Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, Mailchimp, and Zendesk, as well as accounting systems like QuickBooks and Xero, ERPs such as SAP, Dynamics Business Central, Google Workspace, In addition to these integrations, HubSpot has an extensive app marketplace where you can find lots of other integrations tailored to various needs and systems. This marketplace makes it possible to synchronize data, automate workflows, and streamline processes across different systems.

How is the data migration to HubSpot going?

Migrating data to HubSpot typically involves exporting data from your current systems, cleaning and structuring the data, and then importing it into HubSpot. Working with an experienced team is crucial to ensure that all important data is successfully migrated and that relationships between data are maintained.

How long does it take to implement a HubSpot CRM?

The duration depends on the scope of your project and the type of support. For a turnkey project, the MVP phase generally takes between 3 and 6 months. We also offer an onboarding process in co-development mode with a resource person, which generally takes 6 to 8 weeks.

Is HubSpot suitable for all business sizes?

Yes, HubSpot is suitable for all sizes of businesses, from startups to large organizations. Its scalable features and flexible pricing make it accessible and beneficial for companies with varying needs in marketing, sales, and customer service.